Log 25.1.6
Like many people I am approaching 2025 with great trepidation. However, remember that hope is an aspect of fear because it distinguishes fear from resignation. If I did not have hope for a better future, I would not fear what may happen this year.
I think we're always incredibly close to remaking society if we can just find the right way to tip the scales. History gives us many examples of huge changes happening very quickly once the conditions were right. The French Revolution, the breakup of the Soviet Union, the end of South African Apartheid all occurred with shocking speed after a long drawn out period in which such changes would have been inconceivable. I have changed my views on countless topics since my conservative youth, so I have to believe it is possible for anyone else to change. Our largest problems are systemic but those systems are only sustained by individuals.
For example, Elon Musk's inordinate wealth is largely imaginary, more so than the value of all money being imaginary. The businesses that he owns have relatively small incomes from customers and government grants compared to the stock market value of the tesla. This value comes from the shareholders belief in some incredible future growth. However, he also consistently under delivers on promises, delivers far behind schedule, or abandons ideas entirely after pumping his stock based on hype. All of this is to say that if enough potential consumers turn away from tesla, star link, and X, stockholders may loose their faith and move their money elsewhere. A drop in stock value would immediately erase a large portion of his wealth. His business and political empire really does rest on sand.
Personally, I have found placement for my student teaching. I am weeks away from completing my Masters Degree and becoming a licensed teacher. Kansas City has just gotten through a major winter storm that dropped a thick sheet of freezing rain and then about 10 inches of snow. As the city gets through the storm and digs out, it has been great to see community member supporting each other.
Live long and prosper.